Board Meetings

WTA Board Meetings are open to the public. You can attend in person or participate remotely. Members of the public can address the Board directly at the beginning of every meeting, during the "Citizen Communications" item on the agenda. The Board Chair usually asks people to limit their comments to three minutes.  You can also provide your comments to the Board in writing. 

For rides to and from WTA Board Meetings, call 360-733-1144 before 5:00 pm the day before to schedule your ride. You do not need to be eligible for paratransit to book a ride to/from a Board Meeting.

For questions about Board Meetings, call (360) 676-7433.

Miss the meeting? You can also view past meetings on our YouTube channel.​

Upcoming Meetings

All Board Meetings are held in person at WTA's offices at 4011 Bakerview Spur, Bellingham WA 98225 and remotely on zoom. To join remotely, find instructions for connecting below.

  • Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 8:00 AM
  • Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 8:00 AM
  • Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 8:00 AM
  • Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 8:00 AM
  • Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 8:00 AM

WTA Board Meeting

For meeting documents see ​our Board Meetings repository.

Please click the link below to join the meeting: ​

Or Telephone:
+1-253-215-8782 (for toll free, please call: +1-866-989-4287)
Meeting ID: 856 6595 9918​

Press # for no attendee ID​
Passcode: 123456

Technical Information
  • Meeting will be conducted via Zoom
  • Meeting will be open at 7:45 a.m. so you can join early and confirm your setup is working
  • When possible, join via Zoom using computer audio and not the dial in phone number (poorer audio)
  • Chat feature will not be available
  • Content shared visually during the meeting and not included with the packet will be available on our document repository during or after the meeting
  • For Board members, video camera is encouraged but not required
  • Recommend using a headset, if possible, to prevent echo and feedback
  • Participants should have their microphones muted unless speaking.  Phone participants can use *6 on their phone to mute and unmute themselves.

How the Meeting will be Conducted
  • Those who are expected to speak at the meeting will be enabled to mute and unmute their own mic.  To request to speak (i.e., "raise your hand"), please unmute your mic and state your name, then mute and wait to be called on by the Chair or presenter.
  • After the Chair of the Board calls the meeting to order, Les Reardanz, General Manager, will guide the meeting through the agenda.
  • Staff presenters will manage discussion of their agenda item, and will recognize those who request to speak.  At the end of the discussion, they will pass the floor back to the Chair if a motion is sought, or to Mr. Reardanz if ready to move to the next agenda item.
  • For action items for which a motion is recommended, the Board Chairperson will preside over Board discussions and recognize motions at the appropriate time.
  • The Board Chairperson will take votes by consensus, requesting that any objections be stated.​

Notes for Public Participation
  • Public comment will be taken during Board meetings.
  • When the Board Chairperson asks for public comments, if you wish to speak, unmute your microphone or use *6 if calling in by phone.  State your name and wait to be recognized by the Chair before speaking. 
  • Please limit your comments to three minutes maximum.