Signing In To WTA's SharePoint Portal

Go to in your internet browser.

To sign in, enter your username which is your first name and last initial followed by (ie John Smith's email would be:

Enter your password (this is the SAME password you enter when signing into Vista.) If you need to reset your password, call the IT Helpdesk at 360-788-9340.

You will then be logged into the WTA's SharePoint Portal.

For the latest information from WTA regarding Corona Virus, click "COVID-19 Updates" in the Portal or go directly to:

Any questions or issues, call the IT Helpdesk at 360-788-9340.

Resources for WTA Employees

Return to Work Forms

Transit Operator and Expediter

Fleet Maintenance Technician and Lead

Hostler and Lead

Administrative Employees

Safety Sensitive Administrative Employees

Prescription Forms

Prescription Drug Use
OTC Medication Use​

​​​Employee Resources

​​​Uniform Ordering Website​

​​Employee Info

Address, Phone and Emergency Contact Update​