About GO Lines
WTA’s GO Lines offer service every 15 minutes on weekdays along four major corridors in Bellingham.
The BLUE Line offers service between Downtown Bellingham and Bill McDonald Parkway via WWU. The BLUE Line is served by routes 105, 107, 108, 190, 196 and 197.
The GREEN Line offers service between Downtown Bellingham and Whatcom Community College via Dupont, Elm, Northwest and Bakerview. The GREEN Line is served by Route 232.
The GOLD Line offers service between Downtown Bellingham and Whatcom Community College, with service to Sunnyland Square, Barkley Village, Sunset Square, Winco and Bellis Fair Mall along the way. The GOLD Line is served by Route 331.
The PLUM Line offers service on Lakeway Drive between Downtown Bellingham and Woburn Street. The PLUM Line is served by Routes 512, 525, 533 and 540. Please note: The PLUM Line from Downtown only runs three times per hour between Lincoln St and Woburn St.