About Smart Trips

What is the Smart Trips program?

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Whatcom Smart Trips is a local program that encourages people to make more of their trips by walking, bicycling, sharing rides, and riding the bus. Smart Trips participants earn rewards for their trips, such as discounts at local merchants, certificates for local goodies, and entries in to drawings for cash prizes​.

What is a Smart Trip?

A Smart Trip is any trip you make by walking, bicycling, sharing rides or riding the bus—instead of driving alone.  Walking to a friend's house, biking to the store, carpooling to work, or taking the bus to the mall—all of these are Smart Trips.​

What other resources does Smart Trips provide?

At WhatcomSmartTrips.org, you'll find free resources, including bike maps, tips for walking and riding safely, and brochures about introducing Smart Trips to your children. You can also track your personal statistics, such as how much money you save making Smart Trips, how much physical activity you're adding to your life, and the positive contribution you make to our environment.

Smart Trips also offers Guided Rides. These fun, guided bus trips are a great way for new riders to learn how to ride WTA. For more information, call (360) 756-8747.