Fares & Passes

Which bus pass you need to buy depends on which of WTA's services you are using.

If you're riding our fixed route buses, passes are available on our online store, on the Umo Mobility App, or in person at many physical locations throughout Whatcom County.

Paratransit fares are paid with either cash or a pass on file and can be purchased by calling us at (360) 676-7433 or in person at Bellingham Station.

On all WTA services:

  • Youth ride free
  • With WTA's Gold Card, riders 75 years old or older ride free on paratransit and fixed routes (except on route 80X).
  • If you're eligible for paratransit, you can get a Free on Fixed Route Card. This allows paratransit-eligible riders to ride fixed route buses for free.

General Fare

Day Pass $3

Skagit-Whatcom Day Pass $6

11 Ride Ticket $10

31 Day Pass $30

County Connector 31 Day Pass $50

92 Day Pass $90

Gold Card Free

Student Fare

Youth Free

31 Day Pass $15

County Connector 31 Day Pass $25

92 Day Pass $45

Reduced Fare

Skagit-Whatcom Day Pass $3

"Select" 31 Day Pass $15

County Connector 31 Day Pass $25

"Select" 92 Day Pass $45

Paratransit Fare

Monthly Pass on File $13

Quarterly Pass on File $35